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Life History of the Kangaroo Rat by Charles Taylor Vorhies;Walter P. (Walter Penn) Taylor
page 43 of 75 (57%)
Species stored. Per cent. Grams.

Aristida divaricata 90 to 95 }
Chamaecrista leptadenia 10 to 5 } 58
Bouteloua rothrockii Tr. }
Prosopis velutina 200
Apodanthera undulata 55
Total 313

Five species represented. Two species, _Apodanthera_, and _Chamaecrista
leptadenia_, new to storage records. Several whole fruits of
_Apodanthera_, about 2 inches in diameter, stored in addition to seeds
alone; seeds of this form not previously noted in burrows, but very
abundant in this one, indicating importance of the factor of
accessibility in storage.

DEN 19.

October 31, November 1, 1919. In good grass. Entire burrow system mapped
(Fig. 2, p. 29).

Species stored. Per cent. Grams.

Aristida spp. (probably mostly _divaricata_) 98 }
Eriogonum sp Tr. }
Bouteloua rothrockii 1 } 1,813
Bouteloua aristidoides 1 }
Panicum sp Tr. }
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