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Life History of the Kangaroo Rat by Charles Taylor Vorhies;Walter P. (Walter Penn) Taylor
page 53 of 75 (70%)
Lupinus sparsiflorus (lupine) Tr.
Martynia altheaefolia (small devil's-horns) 12
Mollugo verticillata (carpetweed) 324
Oenothera primiverus (evening primrose) 15
Opuntia discata (prickly pear) 15
Loeflingia pusilla Tr.
Lepidium lasiocarpum (peppergrass) Tr.
Plantago ignota (plantain) 818
Polygala puberula (milkwort) Tr.
Portulaca suffrutescens (purslane) Tr.
Prosopis velutina (mesquite) 1,570
Sida diffusa (spreading sida) 30
Solanum elaeagnifolium (742 fruits) (trompillo, prickly solanum) 156
Puffballs and fleshy fungi (undetermined) 12

Total species, exclusive of fungi, 41.

It will be seen from Table 3 that while a large number of species of
plants are represented in the totals from so many dens, a majority of
them are of very minor importance, and that the seeds of grasses are the
principal storage and probably therefore the principal food material.
Six of the most important species of grasses (disregarding species
furnishing less than 5 grams) comprise 85.6 per cent of the total weight
of storage from 22 dens. Crowfoot grama (_Bouteloua rothrockii_) stands
first in quantity in the total, forming 39.4 per cent of all stored
material, 46 per cent of the six important grasses, and 45 per cent of
all grasses. The largest amount of storage of any one species of grass
in any one den on the Range Reserve also is of this species, 2,205
grams[5] (Table 1, den 1, p. 20, and Pl. VII, Fig. 2). This is exceeded
by a dropseed grass, _Sporobolus cryptandrus strictus_, which amounted
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