The Botanical Magazine, Vol. 4 - Or, Flower-Garden Displayed by William Curtis
page 17 of 66 (25%)
page 17 of 66 (25%)
certain parts of rock-work, or such borders of the flower garden, as are
not adapted for large plants. It is a hardy perennial, and propagated by parting its roots in autumn. Our figure, from a deficiency in the colouring art, gives a very inadequate idea of its beauty. [118] SEDUM ANACAMPSEROS. EVERGREEN ORPINE. _Class and Order._ DECANDRIA PENTAGYNIA. _Generic Character._ _Cal._ 5-fidus. _Cor._ 5-petala. _Squamæ_ nectariferæ 5, ad basin germinis. _Caps._ 5. _Specific Character and Synonyms._ SEDUM _Anacampseros_ foliis cuneiformibus basi attenuatis subsessilibus, caulibus decumbentibus, floribus corymbosis. _Ait. Hort. Kew. p. 108._ |