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Uppingham by the Sea - a Narrative of the Year at Borth by John Huntley Skrine
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In the spring of 1876 and of 1877, letters under the heading "Uppingham
by the Sea" were published in _The Times_ newspaper, and were read with
interest by friends of the school. We have thought the following
narrative would be best introduced to those readers under a name already
pleasantly familiar to them, and have borrowed, with the writer's
permission, the title of his sketches for our own more detailed account
of the same events.

The readers whom we have in view will demand no apology for the attempt
to supply a circumstantial record of so memorable an episode in the
school's history. It deserves indeed an abler historian; but one
qualification at any rate may be claimed by the present writer: an eye-
witness from first to last, but a minor actor only in the scenes he
chronicles, he enjoyed good opportunities of watching the play, and risks
no personal modesty in relating what he saw.

The best purpose of the narrative will have been served if any Uppingham
boy, as he reads these pages, finds in them a new reason for loyalty to
the society whose name he bears.

JUNE 27TH, 1878,
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