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Stories of Ships and the Sea - Little Blue Book # 1169 by Jack London
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steel, and his body was firmly and confidently poised. This air of
determination sufficiently impressed the boatmen to make them give way
before him When he started to walk toward the shore-end of the pier. But
they trooped along beside more noisily than ever. One of the youngsters
about Alf's size and build, impudently snatched his cap from his head;
and before he could put it on his own head, Alf struck out from the
shoulder, and sent the fellow rolling on the stones.

The cap flew out of his hand and disappeared among the many legs. Alf
did some quick thinking, his sailor pride would not permit him to leave
the cap in their hands. He followed in the direction it had sped, and
soon found it under the bare foot of a stalwart fellow, who kept his
weight stolidly upon it. Alf tried to get the cap by a sudden jerk, but
failed. He shoved against the man's leg, but the man only grunted. It
was challenge direct, and Alf accepted it. Like a flash one leg was
behind the man and Alf had thrust strongly with his shoulder against the
fellow's chest. Nothing could save the man from the fierce vigorousness
of the trick, and he was hurled over and backward.

Next, the cap was on Alf's head and his fists were up before him. Then
he whirled about to prevent attack from behind, and all those in that
quarter fled precipitately. This was what he wanted. None remained
between him and the shore end. The pier was narrow. Facing them and
threatening with his fist those who attempted to pass him on either
side, he continued his retreat. It was exciting work, walking backward
and at the same time checking that surging mass of men. But the
dark-skinned peoples, the world over, have learned to respect the white
man's fist; and it was the battles fought by many sailors, more than his
own warlike front, that gave Alf the victory.

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