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Normandy Picturesque by Henry Blackburn
page 5 of 171 (02%)
" A Sketch, at Caen M. TIBIALONG 64

" Old Woman of Caen M. TIRARD 69

V.--Bayeux Cathedral H. BLACKBURN 83

" Corner of House at Bayeux A. E. BROWNE 86

" Ancient Tablet in Cathedral H. BLACKBURN 90

" Facsimile of Bayeux Tapestry A. SEVERN 103

VI.--A Sketch, at Cherbourg M. TIBIALONG 110

" Exterior Pulpit at St. Lo _From a Photograph_ 116

" A 'Toiler of the Sea' S. P. HALL 132

" Mont St. Michael H. BLACKBURN 135

VII.--Church near Avranches H. BLACKBURN 144

" Ancient Cross H. BLACKBURN 147

VIII.--Clock Tower at Vire H. BLACKBURN 171

IX.--Rouen Cathedral M. CLERGET 194

X.--Market-women--Lower Normandy S. P. HALL
(_From a sketch by A. E. Browne._) 217
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