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The Beginner's American History by D.H. (David Henry) Montgomery
page 18 of 309 (05%)
sorrow--perhaps it would not be too much to say that he died of a
broken heart.

He was at first buried in Spain; then his body was taken up and carried
to San Domingo, where he had wished to be buried. Whether it rests
there to-day, or whether it was carried to Havana[18] and deposited
in the cathedral or great church of that city, no one can positively
say. But wherever the grave of the great sailor may be, his memory
will live in every heart capable of respecting a brave man; for he
first dared to cross the "Sea of Darkness," and he discovered

[Illustration: MONUMENT TO COLUMBUS. (In the Cathedral of Havana,

[Footnote 18: Havana (Ha-van'ah): a city of Cuba.]

20. Summary.--In 1492 Christopher Columbus set sail from Spain to
find a direct way across the Atlantic to Asia and the Indies. He did
not get to Asia; but he did better; he discovered America. He died
thinking that the new lands he had found were part of Asia; but by
his daring voyage he first showed the people of Europe how to get
to the New World.

When and where was Columbus born? What did he do when he was fourteen?
What about his sea-fight? What did he do in Lisbon? How much of the
world was then known? How did Columbus think he could reach Asia and
the Indies? Why did he want to go there? What did he try to do in
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