The Beginner's American History by D.H. (David Henry) Montgomery
page 2 of 309 (00%)
page 2 of 309 (00%)
D.H.M. TO S.K.K. PREFATORY NOTE. This little book is intended by the writer as an introduction to his larger work entitled _The Leading Facts of American History_. It is in no sense an abridgment of the larger history, but is practically an entirely new and distinct work. Its object is to present clearly and accurately those facts and principles in the lives of some of the chief founders and builders of America which would be of interest and value to pupils beginning the study of our history. Throughout the book great care has been taken to relate only such incidents and anecdotes as are believed to rest on unexceptionable authority. The numerous illustrations in the text are, in nearly every case, from drawings and designs made by Miss C. S. King of Boston. In the preparation of this work for the press--as in that of the |