The Beginner's American History by D.H. (David Henry) Montgomery
page 6 of 309 (01%)
page 6 of 309 (01%)
_Teachers who wish a regular set of questions on each section will
find them at the end of the section. Difficult words are defined or pronounced at the end of the numbered paragraph where they first occur; reference to them will be found in the index._ CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS (1436-1506).[1] 1. Birth and boyhood of Columbus.--Christopher Columbus,[2] the discoverer of America, was born at Genoa,[3] a seaport of Italy, more than four hundred and fifty years ago. His father was a wool-comber.[4] Christopher did not care to learn that trade, but wanted to become a sailor. Seeing the boy's strong liking for the sea, his father sent him to a school where he could learn geography, map-drawing, and whatever else might help him to become some day commander of a vessel. [Illustration: COLUMBUS AS A BOY. (From the statue in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston.)] [Footnote 1: These enclosed dates under a name show, except when otherwise stated, the year of birth and death.] [Footnote 2: Christopher Columbus (Kris'tof-er Ko-lum'bus).] [Footnote 3: Genoa (Jen'o-ah); see map in paragraph 21.] |