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Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People by Constance D'Arcy Mackay
page 36 of 202 (17%)
right, left, and background. The trees in background supposedly screen
the Colonial house from view. At the left the estate supposedly
stretches to the highway. At the right, behind the trees, it is given
over to flower and vegetable gardens.

At the beginning of the scene the grassy space is deserted, but from
the distance, right, comes the sound of singing. The sound swells
louder and louder in the rhythm of one of the oldest of African songs,
"Mary and Martha just gone 'long to ring those charming bells." The
first verse is sung before the singers appear. With the second verse
those who have been at work in the fields come into view, their gay and
colorful costumes bright against the green background.

Two of the children run into sight first; then comes a group of nine or
ten young people. Some carry between them baskets heaped quite high
with fruit and vegetables. One boy holds a hoe. A girl carries a rake.
Another an armful of dried corn on the ear. Two more a low basket
heaped with cotton. In the center of this group hobbles old Aunt
Rachel, turbaned, and leaning on a cane. By her side walks Lucy,
carrying a great bunch of pink "Winter Roses."

The third verse is sung as this group emerges into full view of the
audience. The children stand looking at Aunt Rachel as they sing, as if
they were catching some of the words from her. She beats time with her
finger to see that they learn correctly. Other voices take up the song
in right background, swelling it higher and higher. Uncle Ned, with his
fiddle under his arm, comes slowly from right to join the group in
foreground. The baskets are set down. The boy leans on his hoe, the
girl on her wooden rake, rapt and happy. All are given over to the
rhythmic joy of the music.
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