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Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People by Constance D'Arcy Mackay
page 46 of 202 (22%)
(smacking his lips).
I'd like to have that same turkey wing here before the fire! (Rises.)
I'm with you, Talbot, for whatever a sportsman's luck may bring. And
you, Washington?

I'd best wait here to see if a message comes from Colonel Fairfax. If
in one hour the message does not come, I'll join you.

(ready to start).
Well, then, Talbot.

[The three lads start.

(to Carey).
I wish you luck! May you flush a grouse at every ten yards!

[Lads laugh, and exeunt, background. Washington looks after them a
moment, and then takes surveying paper from his pocket.

Now for my wilderness chart!

[Pores over it. From the distance comes the sound of a frontiersman's
ax, which he is too absorbed to notice. Red Rowan enters from the
right, a wild, picturesque young figure in a scarlet cloak.

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