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Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People by Constance D'Arcy Mackay
page 63 of 202 (31%)
No! Saved! The British will take a ransom, and Boonesborough will pay
it to the uttermost farthing. (In a low voice.) Come, strategy!
Strategy! I will break through to-night.

Great Chief Black Fish, to you we have surrendered. With your braves we
will take the trail to the British encampment.

(grunting with pleasure).
Umph! Much money for paleface prisoners. (To Hawk Eye). Give prisoners
bison meat. Water. See they not die on road. No want to lose money they
bring. Braves march now. Boone not go. Boone stay with us.

[While Black Fish has been speaking the braves and their prisoners line
up for departure. Meantime, from the woods in background other Indians
have joined the group. Those who have captured Boone describe the feat
in dumbshow. The newly arrived Indians bear food, a blanket or so, a
war-drum, pipes, etc.

(striving to speak gaily).
A good journey, my lads. I shall be thinking of you.

(low: aside, full of commiseration).
You will be here alone!

(hurriedly, seeing that Bryan's remark has been overheard by the
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