Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
page 28 of 144 (19%)
page 28 of 144 (19%)
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"Tha'rt a hard customer, but as we've had monny a drink together, tha shall have em." Soa th' brass an th' chickens changed hands an Sammywell wor sooin back hooam wi his bargain. "Tha hasn't been long," sed Mally, as shoo lukt at th' hens, "an whear's mi change?" "Ha mich change did ta expect aght o' five shillin, when aw've browt thi three layin pullets?" "If awd gien thi ten it ud just ha been th' same an aw owt to ha had moor sense nor to ax. But nah tha's getten em, whear does ta intend to put em?" "Aw'll put em i' yond old hamper 'at's i'th' cellar. Aw cannot fix a place for em befoor Monday." "Noa, but tha can beg an old box or two or a few booards wol tha'rt aght to-day an then tha'll have all ready for a start." Sundy mornin saw Sammywell up i' gooid time, an his first job wor to feed his chickens. He felt quite like a farmer in a small way. Then Mally had to goa an peep at em. "Sammywell! come hither this minnit!" shoo called aght, an he ran daan fit to braik his neck. "Peep into that corner," shoo sed, as shoo raised th' hamper lid. An thear sewer enuff; ther wor a nice white egg. He picked it aght gently an they booath examined it, an they thowt they'd nivver seen one as nice befoor. |