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Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
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Zekil tuk it an made off wi it, an Sammywell an Mally went hooam; "Goa
into th' cellar an see for thisen," sed Mally, "Awm as sewer yond's awr
chicken as aw've a nooas o' my face."

He went to see, and there wor his three chickens just as he'd left em.

"Nah, what am aw to do? Theas clooas'll nivver be like thersen agean, an
awm wellny choaked."

"Tha desarves twice as mich as tha's getten! To think at a chap has
lived to thy time o' life an connot tell th' difference between a cock
an a hen. Tha must be daft."

"Daft! Soa are ta daft! Tha knew noa moor nor me. But tha can tak thi
chickens, an goa to blazes wi em for owt aw care! It wor thee at wanted
em, it wor nooan o' me!"

"Tha'rt net spaikin trewth--"

"Well, tha'rt another! If it hadn't been for thee awst ha been i'th
chapel this minnit."

"Tha'rt happen as weel at hooam, for tha'rt nooan in a fit state o' mind
for th' chapel."

"Awm nooan in a fit state o' body nawther aw think. Just luk at theas

"Goa upstairs an change em, an aw'll see what aw can do wi em. Tha'rt
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