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Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
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"Aw ax'd her to-day," sed Rosa, "an shoo sed shoo'd try an let us have
five shillin at Midsummer."

"What's five shillin then, when we've eight paand ten to pay to morn?"

They booath sat ovver a handful o' coils ther wor i'th grate an sed nowt
for a bit, then Rosa sed,

"Ther's yond length o' black silk we've had soa long, that piece Missis
Jackson ordered an then wod'nt tak; we mun sell that, it cost fower
paand, happen we can get three for it. Whear is it?"

Louisa gate up an fotch'd it off a shelf--it wor tied up in a piece o'
paper, an when shoo oppened it aght, it must ha getten damp somehah, for
it wor all i' patches o' white mowd, an fairly ruinated.

Then booath on em burst into tears when they saw it, and sat daan ageean
an sobbed for long enuff.

"Ther's nowt for it but to be turn'd aght o'th haase an goa an work i' a
mill," sed Louisa.

"Eeah! dear-a-me, to think o' us commin to that." An they booath cried

"We must have summat at we can sell," Rosa sobbed in a bit, "what's
getten mother's brooach?"

"We sell'd that to pay th' doctor's bill when poor owd Hamer next door
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