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Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
page 39 of 144 (27%)
stailin--an next mornin they nivver oppen'd th' shop, but went straight
away to Miss Simpson's and bowt her shop, stock an gooid will, an all,
an paid brass daan for it.

They've nivver luk'd behund em since, tho' its mooar nor two year sin
this happened; tho' Rosa's gooan aght o' bisniss, becoss shoo's wed a
clerk in a bank; an Louisa's baan to be married at Kursmiss to a chap at
has a shop next door, an they're baan to break a door thro' an roll both
shops into one.

On th' furst ov October ivvery year as sooin as th' Clock Almanack comes
aght, they booath on em run an buy th' first copy at ivver they can lig
ther hands on, for th' varry seet ov th' red an yoller cover maks em
think o'th happiest moment at ivver they had i' ther lives.

It isn't often at ther's soa mich brass faand inside a Clock Almanack,
but ther's monny an monny a paands worth ov innocent amusement to be
faand in its pages, an they're odd kind o' fowk at connot thoil to spend
a threepeny bit on one, or think ther brass is wasted.

Sammywell's Reformation.

"Mally! If tha cannot scale th' foir baght makkin that din, let it

"When aw want thee to tell me ha to scale a foir aw'll ax thi! Aw should
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