Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
page 47 of 144 (32%)
page 47 of 144 (32%)
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"It's little aw'll gie for sich help as thine! If tha comes here to
reckon to help me, tha'll want payin for it twice ovver." "Why, Mally love, if tha'll gie me a kuss aw'll turn th' wringin machine for thi wol tha's done." "Sammywell,--aw want thee to luk me straight i'th face an tell me what tha's had to sup this mornin an whear tha's getten it?" "Aw've had nowt but that drop o' teah tha browt up stairs." "Well, aw dooant want to say tha'rt a stooary teller, but aw can think what aw like." "Nah, Mally love----" "Ger aght o' this hoil, gurt softheead! If tha comes near me wi onny o' thi 'Mally loves,' aw'll throw this bucket o' watter ovver thi! Tha'rt a fooil thisen an tha thinks awm one, but tha'll find thisen mistaen. After been called 'Old Towel' an 'Blow Broth' an 'Old Nivversweeat,' to say nowt abaat names at awd be ashamed to mention--it's rayther too lat i'th day to try an come ovver me wi thi 'Mally loves.'" "But awm baan to reform, awm net gooin to call thi sich names onny moor, an if tha'll nobbut let me help thi, Mally love----" "Aw'll gie thi 'Mally love!' Aw suppooas tha thinks aw havn't enuff to do, soa tha mun come here to aggravate an hinder me all tha can!" "Tha shouldn't ha claated me across th' chops wi that weet |