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Yorkshire Tales. Third Series - Amusing sketches of Yorkshire Life in the Yorkshire Dialect by John Hartley
page 51 of 144 (35%)
He cut up th' rooad as fast as he could, an abaat twenty yards thro' th'
corner, he seed a regular offal lukkin feller strugglin wi a young lady
under a gas pooast.--As sooin as th' ruffian seed Sydney commin, he
bolted ovver a wall, in a way at showed at it worn't th' furst time at
he'd takken to his heels to save hissen a thrashin.

Ov cooarse as sooin as th' danger wor ovver, an ther wor noa need o' owt
o't sooart, th' young lady swooned away--an it tuk Sydney all his time
to bring her raand, in fact it worn't until he'd kissed her two or three
times, at shoo begun o' commin to her senses.

As sooin as shoo wor able to walk, he assisted her hooam, or at least to
th' haase wher shoo wor visitin. On th' way shoo tell'd him at they
call'd her Mabel Mothersdale, that shoo wor stayin a wick or two wi some
friends, an that shoo'd just slip aght to pop a letter into th' pillar
box, when th' tramp attack'd her.

Sydney went next day to ax hah shoo wor.--Shoo wor varry fain to see
him--an th' friends shoo wor stayin wi made a big fuss ov him, an axd
him to stay dinner. He stayed ov cooarse.

Th' next day he called wi a piece o' music 'at he'd been tellin em
abaat--th' day after he went wi some tickets for a grand concert ther
wor baan to be i' Sheffield--an what wi one excuse or another, he seed
her ivvery day--an ivvery neet when he doffed his clooas an gate into
bed, he felt moor i' love wi Mabel nor he had done th' neet befoor.

At last th' day coom for her to goa back hooam to Brummagem, where her
father lived, an when Sydney called to say "gooid bye" to her, he tuk
th' opportunity when they wor left aloan for abaat five minutes, to ax
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