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The Shield of Silence by Harriet T. (Harriet Theresa) Comstock
page 19 of 424 (04%)
Then Meredith wrote three notes. One was to Sister Angela:

You remember how, as a little girl, you let me come to you and tell
you things that I could not tell even to God? I am coming now,
Sister--will be there soon after this reaches you; and then--I will
tell you!

I want my child to be born with you and Doris near me. I have
written to Doris.

And whether I live or die, my husband must not have my child. You
must help me.

The second letter was longer, for it contained explanations and reasons.
These were stated baldly, briefly, but for that very quality they rang
luridly dramatic.

The third note was left on Thornton's desk and simply informed him that
she was going to Doris and would never return.


"_Minds that sway the future like a tide._"

Sister Angela read her letter sitting before the fire in the living room
at Ridge House.
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