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The Make-Believe Man by Richard Harding Davis
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one bigger and stronger; would sooner ask a policeman. But, on the
contrary, it is to Kinney that women always run, especially, as I
have said, beautiful women. Nothing of the sort ever happens to
me. I suppose, as Kinney says, it is because he was born and
brought up in New York City and looks and acts like a New York man,
while I, until a year ago, have always lived at Fairport. Fairport
is a very pretty harbor, but it does not train one for adventures.
We arranged to take our vacation at the same time, and together.
At least Kinney so arranged it. I see a good deal of him, and in
looking forward to my vacation, not the least pleasant feature of
it was that everything connected with Joyce & Carboy and Mrs.
Shaw's boarding-house would be left behind me. But when Kinney
proposed we should go together, I could not see how, without being
rude, I could refuse his company, and when he pointed out that for
an expedition in search of adventure I could not select a better
guide, I felt that he was right.

"Sometimes," he said, "I can see you don't believe that half the
things I tell you have happened to me, really have happened. Now,
isn't that so?"

To find the answer that would not hurt his feelings I hesitated,
but he did not wait for my answer. He seldom does.

"Well," on this trip," he went on, "you will see Kinney on the job.
You won't have to take my word for it. You will see adventures
walk up and eat out of my hand."

Our vacation came on the first of September, but we began to plan
for it in April, and up to the night before we left New York we
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