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How to Write a Play - Letters from Augier, Banville, Dennery, Dumas, Gondinet, - Labiche, Legouvé, Pailleron, Sardou, Zola by Various
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How to Write a Play


Introduction by William Gillette
Letter from Émile Augier
Letter from Théodore de Banville
Letter from Adolphe Dennery
Letter from Alexandre Dumas Fils
Letter from Edmond Gondinet
Letter by Eugène Labiche
Letter by Ernest Legouvé
Letter from Édouard Pailleron
Letter from Victorien Sardou
Letter from Émile Zola
Notes by B.M.

1916 By Dramatic Museum of Columbia University


The impression has always prevailed with me that one who might properly
be classed as a genius is not precisely the person best fitted to
expound rules and methods for the carrying on of his particular branch
of endeavor. I have rather avoided looking the matter up for fear it
might not turn out to be so after all. But doesn't it sound as if it
ought to be? And isn't a superficial glance about rather confirmatory?
We do not--so far as I know--find that Shakspere or Milton or Tennyson
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