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Latin for Beginners by Benjamin Leonard D'Ooge
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Part II are reviewed.

It is hoped that the following features will commend themselves to

The forms are presented in their natural sequence, and are given, for
the most part, in the body of the book as well as in a grammatical
appendix. The work on the verb is intensive in character, work in other
directions being reduced to a minimum while this is going on. The forms
of the subjunctive are studied in correlation with the subjunctive

The vocabulary has been selected with the greatest care, using Lodge’s
“Dictionary of Secondary Latin” and Browne’s “Latin Word List” as a
basis. There are about six hundred words, exclusive of proper names, in
the special vocabularies, and these are among the simplest and commonest
words in the language. More than ninety-five per cent of those chosen
are Cæsarian, and of these more than ninety per cent are used in Cæsar
five or more times. The few words not Cæsarian are of such frequent
occurrence in Cicero, Vergil, and other authors as to justify their
appearance here. But teachers desiring to confine word study to Cæsar
can easily do so, as the Cæsarian words are printed in the vocabularies
in distinctive type. Concrete nouns have been preferred to abstract,
root words to compounds and derivatives, even when the latter were of
more frequent occurrence in Cæsar. To assist the memory, related English
words are added in each special vocabulary. To insure more careful
preparation, the special vocabularies have been removed from their
respective lessons and placed by themselves. The general vocabulary
contains about twelve hundred words, and of these above eighty-five per
cent are found in Cæsar.
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