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Operation R.S.V.P. by Henry Beam Piper
page 3 of 16 (18%)
known of the lax security measures in effect at this plant, and have,
as a consequence, been expecting some disaster there.

I am therefore sure that your Government will be equally gratified to
learn of the perfection, by my Government, of our own new guided
missile _Celestial Destroyer_, which embodies, in greatly improved
form, many of the features of your own Government's guided missile
_Marxist Victory_. Naturally, your own scientific warfare specialists
have detected the release of energy incident to the explosion of our
own improved thorium-hafnium interaction bomb; this bomb was exploded
over the North Polar ice cap, about two hundred miles south of the
Pole, on about 35 degrees East Longitude, almost due north of your
capital city of Moscow. The launching was made from a site in Thibet.

Naturally, my Government cannot deviate from our present just and
reasonable attitude in the Khakum River question. Trusting that your
Government will realize this, I have the honor to be,

Your obedient and respectful servant,

Wu Fung Tung

_From N. Y. TIMES, Feb. 20, 1984:_


Ameer Shere Ali Abdallah Confers
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