The Delight Makers by Adolph Francis Alphonse Bandelier
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still in existence on the sites where they are placed in the story.
The plot is my own. But most of the scenes described I have witnessed; and there is a basis for it in a dim tradition preserved by the Queres of Cochiti that their ancestors dwelt on the Rito de los Frijoles a number of centuries ago, and in a similar tradition among the Tehuas of the Pueblo of Santa Clara in regard to the cave-dwellings of the Puye. A word to the linguist. The dialect spoken by the actors is that of Cochiti for the Queres, that of San Juan for the Tehuas. In order to avoid the complicated orthography latterly adopted by scientists for Indian dialects, I have written Indian words and phrases as they would be pronounced in continental languages. The letter [=a] is used to denote the sound of a in "hare." To those who have so kindly assisted me,--in particular to Rev. E. W. Meany of Santa Fé, and to Dr. Norton B. Strong, of the United States Army,--I herewith tender my heartfelt thanks. AD. F. BANDELIER SANTA FÉ, NEW MEXICO. * * * * * PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION The aim of our good and lamented friend in writing this book was to place before the public, in novelistic garb, an account of the life and |