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The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs by William Morris
page 2 of 442 (00%)
_How the Volsungs fared to the Land of the Goths, and of the fall of
King Volsung_ 12

_Of the ending of all Volsung's Sons save Sigmund only and of how he
abideth in the wild wood_ 19

_Of the birth and fostering of Sinfiotli, Signy's Son_ 26

_Of the slaying of Siggeir the Goth-king_ 39

_How Sigmund cometh to the Land of the Volsungs again, and of the
death of Sinfiotli his Son_ 47

_Of the last battle of King Sigmund, and the death of him_ 55

_How King Sigmund the Volsung was laid in mound on the sea-side of
the Isle-realm_ 63

_How Queen Hiordis is known; and how she abideth in the house of
Elf the Son of the Helper_ 66



_Of the birth of Sigurd the Son of Sigmund_ 69

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