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A Lecture on the Preservation of Health by Thomas Garnett
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world under the sanction of your name, I take the liberty of
prefixing it to the second; and am happy in having another public
opportunity of expressing my thanks for the high gratification and
instruction which I have received from the perusal of your medical
and philosophical works._

_I am,_
_Dear Sir,_
_With much esteem,_
_Your very obedient servant,_


_Royal Institution,_
_April 8th, 1800._


_Most medical gentlemen will, it is supposed, agree that the greater
part of the numerous train of diseases to which their patients are
subject, have been brought on by improper conduct and imprudence.
That this conduct often proceeds from ignorance of its bad effects,
may be presumed; for though it cannot be denied that some persons
are perfectly regardless with respect to their health, yet the great
mass of mankind are too sensible of the enjoyment and loss of this
greatest of blessings, to run headlong into danger with their eyes

_It was with the hope of making the laws of life more generally
known, and better understood, and from thence deducing such rules
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