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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 110 of 334 (32%)

The gossip keekit in his loof, [peeped, palm]
Quo' scho, 'Wha lives will see the proof, [Quoth she]
This waly boy will be nae coof, [choice, dolt]
I think we'll ca' him Robin. [call]

'He'll hae misfortunes great an' sma',
But aye a heart aboon them a'; [above]
He'll be a credit till us a', [to]
We'll a' be proud o' Robin.

'But sure as three times three mak nine,
I see by ilka score and line, [each]
This chap will dearly like our kin', [sex]
So leeze me on thee, Robin. [blessing on]

'Guid faith,' quo' scho, 'I doubt you, stir, [sir]
Ye gar the lasses lie aspar, [make, aspread]
But twenty fauts ye may hae waur, [faults, worse]
So blessings on thee, Robin!'


Contented wi' little, and cantie wi' mair, [cheerful]
Whene'er I forgather wi' Sorrow and Care, [meet]
I gie them a skelp, as they're creepin' alang, [spank]
Wi' a cog o' gude swats, and an auld Scottish sang. [bowl of good ale]

I whyles claw the elbow o' troublesome thought; [sometimes]
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