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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 114 of 334 (34%)
An' I saw ane and twenty, Tam.

They'll hae me wed a wealthy coof, [have, dolt]
Tho' I mysel' hae plenty, Tam;
But hear'st thou, laddie? there's my loof, [hand]
I'm thine at ane and twenty, Tam!


(Second Version)

Ye flowery banks o' bonnie Doon,
How can ye blume sae fair?
How can ye chant, ye little birds,
And I sae fu' o' care?

Thou'll break my heart, thou bonnie bird,
That sings upon the bough;
Thou minds me o' the happy days, [remindest]
When my fause luve was true.

Thou'll break my heart, thou bonnie bird,
That sings beside thy mate;
For sae I sat, and sae I sang,
And wist na o' my fate.

Aft hae I rov'd by bonnie Doon,
To see the wood-bine twine,
And ilka bird sang o' its love,
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