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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 129 of 334 (38%)
Wi' his teethless gab and his auld beld pow, [mouth, bald head]
And the rain rains down frae his red bleer'd e'e--
That auld man shall never daunton me.


I am my mammie's ae bairn, [only child]
Wi' unco folk I weary, Sir; [strange]
And lying in a man's bed,
I'm fley'd wad mak me eerie, Sir. [frightened, scared]

I'm owre young, I'm owre young, [too]
I'm owre young to marry yet;
I'm owre young, 'twad be a sin
To tak me frae my mammie yet.

[My mammie coft me a new gown, [bought]
The kirk maun hae the gracing o't; [must]
Were I to lie wi' you, kind Sir,
I'm fear'd ye'd spoil the lacing o't.]

Hallowmas is come and gane,
The nights are lang in winter, Sir;
And you an' I in ae bed,
In troth I dare na venture, Sir.

Fu' loud and shrill the frosty wind
Blaws thro' the leafless timmer, Sir; [timber]
But if ye come this gate again, [way]
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