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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 140 of 334 (41%)
They ca'd him Duncan Davison.
The moor was driegh, and Meg was skiegh, [dull, skittish]
Her favour Duncan could na win;
For wi' the rock she wad him knock, [distaff]
And ay she shook the temper-pin. [regulating pin of
the spinning-wheel]
As o'er the moor they lightly foor, [went]
A burn was clear, a glen was green,
Upon the banks they eased their shanks,
And aye she set the wheel between:
But Duncan swore a haly aith, [holy oath]
That Meg should be a bride the morn;
Then Meg took up her spinnin' graith, [implements]
And flung them a' out o'er the burn. [across]

We will big a wee, wee house, [build]
And we will live like King and Queen,
Sae blythe and merry's we will be
When ye set by the wheel at e'en, [aside]
A man may drink and no be drunk;
A man may fight and no be slain;
A man may kiss a bonnie lass,
And aye be welcome back again.


The De'il cam fiddling thro' the town.
And danced awa wi' th' Exciseman;
And ilka wife cried 'Auld Mahoun, [every, Mahomet (Devil)]
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