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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 155 of 334 (46%)
My bonie laddie, Highland laddie!

Satan sits in his black neuk-- [corner]
My bonie laddie, Highland laddie!
Breaking sticks to roast the Duke--
My bonie laddie, Highland laddie!
The bloody monster gae a yell-- [gave]
My bonie laddie, Highland laddie!
And loud the laugh gaed round a' Hell-- [went]
My bonie laddie, Highland laddie!


'Twas on a Monday morning
Right early in the year,
That Charlie came to our town--
The Young Chevalier!


An' Charlie he's my darling,
My darling, my darling,
Charlie he's my darling--
The Young Chevalier!

As he was walking up the street
The city for to view,
O, there he spied a bonie lass
The window looking thro!
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