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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 159 of 334 (47%)
as hypocrites, whose own private morals would not stand examination.
Chief among these was a certain William Fisher, immortalized in a
satire the application of which was meant to extend to the whole class
which he represented.


Thou, that in the Heavens does dwell,
Wha, as it pleases best Thysel',
Sends ane to heaven and ten to hell,
A' for thy glory,
And no for ony guid or ill
They've done before thee!

I bless and praise thy matchless might,
Whan thousands thou hast left in night,
That I am here before thy sight,
For gifts an' grace
A burning and a shining light,
To a' this place.

What was I, or my generation,
That I should get sic exaltation? [such]
I, wha deserv'd most just damnation,
For broken laws,
Sax thousand years ere my creation, [Six]
Thro' Adam's cause.

When from my mither's womb I fell,
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