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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 162 of 334 (48%)
Kail and potatoes!

Lord hear my earnest cry an' pray'r,
Against that presbyt'ry o' Ayr;
Thy strong right hand, Lord, make it bare
Upo' their heads;
Lord, visit them, and dinna spare, [do not]
For their misdeeds.

O Lord my God, that glib-tongu'd Aiken,
My very heart and soul are quakin',
To think how we stood sweatin', shakin',
An' pish'd wi' dread,
While he, wi' hingin' lips and snakin', [sneering]
Held up his head.

Lord, in Thy day of vengeance try him;
Lord, visit him wha did employ him,
And pass not in Thy mercy by them,
Nor hear their pray'r:
But, for Thy people's sake, destroy them,
And dinna spare.

But, Lord, remember me and mine
Wi' mercies temporal and divine,
That I for grace and gear may shine [wealth]
Excell'd by nane,
And a' the glory shall be thine,
Amen, Amen!

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