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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 167 of 334 (50%)

the brutes the power themsels
To chuse their herds,

Then Orthodoxy yet may prance,
An' Learning in a woody dance, [gallows]
An' that fell cur ca'd 'common-sense,'
That bites sae sair, [sorely]
Be banish'd o'er the sea to France;
Let him bark there.

More light is thrown on Burns's positive attitude in religious
matters by his _Epistle to McMath_, a young New Licht minister in
Tarbolton. From the evidences of the letters, we are justified in
accepting at its face value the profession of reverence for true
religion made by Burns in this epistle; his hatred of the sham needs
no corroboration.


Enclosing a Copy of _Holy Willie's Prayer_, which he had requested,
September 17, 1785

While at the stook the shearers cow'r [shock, reapers]
To shun the bitter blaudin' show'r, [driving]
Or, in gulravage rinnin', scour; [horseplay running]
To pass the time,
To you I dedicate the hour
In idle rhyme.
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