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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 169 of 334 (50%)
The gentleman in word an' deed,
An' shall his fame an' honour bleed
By worthless skellums, [railers]
An' not a Muse erect her head
To cowe the blellums? [daunt, blusterers]

O Pope, had I thy satire's darts
To gie the rascals their deserts, [give]
I'd rip their rotten, hollow hearts,
An' tell aloud
Their jugglin', hocus-pocus arts
To cheat the crowd.

God knows I'm no the thing I should be,
Nor am I even the thing I could be,
But, twenty times, I rather would be
An atheist clean,
Than under gospel colours hid be,
Just for a screen.

An honest man may like a glass,
An honest man may like a lass;
But mean revenge, an' malice fause, [false]
He'll still disdain,
An' then cry zeal for gospel laws,
Like some we ken.

They tak religion in their mouth;
They talk o' mercy, grace, an' truth,
For what? To gie their malice skouth [scope]
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