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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 181 of 334 (54%)
What tho' like commoners of air,
We wander out, we know not where,
But either house or hal'? [Without]
Yet nature's charms, the hills and woods,
The sweeping vales, and foaming floods,
Are free alike to all.
In days when daisies deck the ground,
And blackbirds whistle clear,
With honest joy our hearts will bound,
To see the coming year:
On braes when we please, then, [hill-sides]
We'll sit and sowth a tune [hum]
Syne rhyme till't, we'll time till't, [Then]
And sing't when we hae done.

It's no in titles nor in rank;
It's no in wealth like Lon'on bank,
To purchase peace and rest;
It's no in making muckle, mair: [much, more]
It's no in books, it's no in lear, [learning]
To make us truly blest:
If happiness hae not her seat
And centre in the breast,
We may be wise, or rich, or great,
But never can be blest:
Nae treasures, nor pleasures,
Could make us happy lang;
The heart aye's the part aye
That makes us right or wrang.

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