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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 200 of 334 (59%)
Till stop! she trotted thro' them a';
An' wha was it but grumphie [the sow]
Asteer that night! [Astir]

Meg fain wad to the barn gane [have gone]
To winn three wechts o' naething;[15]
But for to meet the Deil her lane, [alone]
She pat but little faith in: [put]
She gies the herd a pickle nits, [herd-boy, few]
And twa red-cheekit apples,
To watch, while for the barn she sets, [sets out]
In hopes to see Tam Kipples
That very night.

She turns the key wi' cannie thraw, [cautious twist]
An' owre the threshold ventures;
But first on Sawnie gies a ca', [call]
Syne bauldly in she enters; [Then]
A ratton rattl'd up the wa', [rat]
An' she cried 'Lord preserve her!'
An' ran thro' midden-hole an' a', [dunghill pool]
An' pray'd wi' zeal an' fervour
Fu' fast that night

They hoy't out Will, wi' sair advice; [urged]
They hecht him some fine braw ane; [promised][measured with
It chanced the stack he faddom'd thrice[16] outstretched arms]
Was timmer-propt for thrawin': [against leaning over]
He taks a swirlie auld moss-oak [gnarled]
For some black gruesome carlin; [beldam]
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