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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 32 of 334 (09%)

A country lad is my degree,
An' few there be that ken me, O;
But what care I how few they be,
I'm welcome aye to Nannie, O.

My riches a's my penny-fee, [wages]
An' I maun guide it cannie, O; [carefully]
But warl's gear ne'er troubles me, [lucre]
My thoughts are a'--my Nannie, O.

Our auld guidman delights to view
His sheep an' kye thrive bonnie, O. [cows]
But I'm as blythe that hauds his pleugh, [holds]
An' has nae care but Nannie, O.

Come weel, come woe, I care na by, [reck not]
I'll tak what Heav'n will send me, O;
Nae ither care in life have I,
But live, an' love my Nannie, O.


It was upon a Lammas night,
When corn rigs are bonnie, [ridges]
Beneath the moon's unclouded light
I held awa to Annie: [took my way]
The time flew by wi' tentless heed, [careless]
Till, 'tween the late and early,
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