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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 55 of 334 (16%)
The snawdrap and primrose our woodlands adorn
And violets bathe in the weet o' the morn: [wet (dew)]
They pain my sad bosom, sae sweetly they blaw,
They mind me o' Nannie--and Nannie's awa.

Thou laverock, that springs frae the dews o' the lawn [lark]
The shepherd to warn o' the grey-breaking dawn,
And thou, mellow mavis, that hails the night-fa', [thrush]
Give over for pity--my Nannie's awa.

Come, autumn, sae pensive, in yellow and gray,
And soothe me wi' tidings o' nature's decay;
The dark, dreary winter, and wild-driving snaw
Alane can delight me--now Nannie's awa.


Clarinda, mistress of my soul,
The measured time is run!
The wretch beneath the dreary pole
So marks his latest sun.

To what dark cave of frozen night
Shall poor Sylvander hie,
Depriv'd of thee, his life and light,
The sun of all his joy?

We part--but by these precious drops
That fill thy lovely eyes!
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