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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 91 of 334 (27%)
I see her sweet and fair:
I hear her in the tunefu' birds,
I hear her charm the air:
There's not a bonnie flower that springs
By fountain, shaw, or green; [woodland]
There's not a bonnie bird that sings,
But minds me o' my Jean.


O this is no my ain lassie,
Fair tho' the lassie be;
O weel ken I my ain lassie,
Kind love is in her e'e.

I see a form, I see a face,
Ye weel may wi' the fairest place:
It wants, to me, the witching grace,
The kind love that's in her e'e.

She's bonnie, blooming, straight, and tall,
And lang has had my heart in thrall;
And aye it charms my very saul, [soul]
The kind love that's in her e'e.

A thief sae pawkie is my Jean, [sly]
To steal a blink, by a' unseen; [glance]
But gleg as light are lovers' e'en, [nimble, eyes]
When kind love is in the e'e.
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