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Robert Burns - How To Know Him by William Allan Neilson
page 99 of 334 (29%)
The group that follow are addressed either to unknown divinities or to
girls who inspired only a passing devotion. In the case of _Bonnie
Lesley_, there was no question of a love-affair: the song is merely a
compliment to a young lady he met and admired. _Auld Rob Morris_ is
probably purely dramatic.


(Second Version)

Ca' the yowes to the knowes, [ewes, knolls]
Ca' them where the heather grows,
Ca' them where the burnie rows, [brooklet rolls]
My bonnie dearie.

Hark! the mavis' evening sang [thrush's]
Sounding Clouden's woods amang;
Then a-faulding let us gang, [a-folding, go]
My bonnie dearie.

We'll gae down by Clouden side, [go]
Thro' the hazels, spreading wide
O'er the waves that sweetly glide
To the moon sae clearly.

Yonder Clouden's silent towers,
Where at moonshine's midnight hours,
O'er the dewy bending flowers,
Fairies dance sae cheery.
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