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The Schoolmaster by Roger Ascham
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A Præface to the

WHen the great plage was at London, the yeare 1563.
the Quenes Maiestie Queene Elizabeth, lay at her
Castle of Windsore: Where, vpon the 10. day of December,
it fortuned, that in Sir William Cicells chamber, hir Highnesse
Principall Secretarie, there dined togither these personages,
M. Secretarie him selfe, Syr William Peter, Syr J. Mason,
D. Wotton, Syr Richard Sackuille Treasurer of the Exchecker,
Syr Walter Mildmaye Chauncellor of the Exchecker, M.
Haddon Master of Requestes, M. John Astely Master of the
Iewell house, M. Bernard Hampton, M. Nicasius, and J.
Of which number, the most part were of hir Maiesties most
honourable priuie Counsell, and the reast seruing hir in verie
good place. I was glad than, and do reioice yet to remember,
that my chance was so happie, to be there that day, in the
companie of so manie wise & good men togither, as hardly
than could haue beene piked out againe, out of all England
M. Secretarie hath this accustomed maner, though his head
be neuer so full of most weightie affaires of the Realme, yet, at
diner time he doth seeme to lay them alwaies aside: and findeth
euer fitte occasion to taulke pleasantlie of other matters,
but most gladlie of some matter of learning: wherein, he will
curteslie heare the minde of the meanest at his Table.
Not long after our sitting doune, I haue strange newes
brought me, sayth M. Secretarie, this morning, that diuerse
Scholers of Eaton, be runne awaie from the
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