was fullie of M. Peters opinion, and said, that
M. Haddon. // the best scholemaster of our time, was the
greatest beater, and named the Person. Though, quoth I, it
was his good fortune, to send from his Schole,
The Author of // vnto the Vniuersitie, one of the best Scholers in
this booke. // deede of all our time, yet wise men do thinke,
that that came so to passe, rather, by the great towardnes of the
Scholer, than by the great beating of the Master: and whether
this be true or no, you your selfe are best witnes. I said
somewhat farder in the matter, how, and whie, yong children,
were soner allured by loue, than driuen by beating, to atteyne
good learning: wherein I was the bolder to say my minde,
bicause M. Secretarie curteslie prouoked me thereunto: or else,
in such à companie, and namelie in his præsence, my wonte is,
to be more willing, to vse mine eares, than to occupie my
A Præface to the Reader. 177
Syr Walter Mildmaye, M. Astley, and the rest, said verie
litle: onelie Syr Rich. Sackuill, said nothing at all. After dinner
I went vp to read with the Queenes Maiestie. We red than
togither in the Greke tongue, as I well remember. // Demost.
that noble Oration of Demosthenes against Æschines, // peri pa-
for his false dealing in his Ambassage to king // rapresb.
Philip of Macedonie. Syr Rich. Sackuile came vp sone after: and
finding me in hir Maiesties priuie chamber, he // Syr R.
tooke me by the hand, & carying me to à // Sackuiles
windoe, said, M. Ascham, I would not for à good // communi-