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Hypnerotomachia - The Strife of Loue in a Dreame by Francesco Colonna
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life. Thus euery way discontent, I did indeuour, with all force and
diligence to get foorth, wherin the more I did striue the more I found
my selfe intangled, and so infeebled with wearinesse, that on euery side
I feared, when some cruell beast should come and deuoure me, or els
vnawares to tumble downe into some deepe pit or hollow place.

Wherefore more trembling then in mustulent _Autume_ be the yealow
coulored leaue, hauing left their moisture, being thorowlye searched
with the furious north winde, I lifted vp my hart to God, desiring as
_Achemenides_ being afraide of the horrible _Cyclops_ rather to be
slaine by the hands of _Aeneas_ his enemie, rather then to suffer so
odious a death.

And my deuoute prayer, sincerely vnited to a contrite heart, powring out
a fountaine of teares with a stedfast beliefe to be deliuered. I found
my selfe in a short space gotten at libertie, like a new day crept out
of a darke and tempestuous night. My eyes before vsed to such obumbrated
darkenes, could scarse abide to behould the light, thorow watery sadnes.
Neuerthelesse glad I was to see the light: as one set at libertie, that
had beene chayned vp in a deepe dungeon and obscure darkenesse. Verye
thirstie I was, my clothes torne, my face and hands scratched and
netteled, and withall so extreamely set on heate, as the fresh ayre
seemed to doe me more hurt then good, neither did it any waye ease my
body, desirous to keepe his new recouered scope and libertie.

And after that I had a little rowsed vp my mynde, and sommoned together
my sences in some better sort: I sought a meanes to quench my inordinate
thyrst, procured and increased through innumerable sighes, and extreame
labour of body. Thus casting my eyes with a diligent regarde about the
plaine, to finde some Fountaine whereat I might refresh my selfe: a
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