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Songs, Merry and Sad by John Charles McNeill
page 25 of 71 (35%)

Her brown hair knew no royal crest,
No gems nor jeweled charms,
No roses her bright cheek caressed,
No lilies kissed her arms.
In simple, modest womanhood
Clad, as was meet, in white,
The fairest flower of all, she stood
Amid the softest light.

It had been worth a perilous quest
To see the court she drew, --
My rose, my gem, my royal crest,
My lily moist with dew;
Worth heaven, when, with farewells from each
The gay throng let us be,
To see her turn at last and reach
Her white hands out to me.

Tommy Smith

When summer's languor drugs my veins
And fills with sleep the droning times,
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