The Amours of Zeokinizul, King of the Kofirans - Translated from the Arabic of the famous Traveller Krinelbol by Claude Prosper Jolyot de Crébillon
page 17 of 72 (23%)
page 17 of 72 (23%)
This Princess being born in a Country where the Religion of _Suesi_ is
directed by the _Pepa_, who stiles himself the Sovereign Arbitrator of it, had imbibed a strong Prepossession for what in the Kingdom of the _Kofirans_ is called Bigotry, or misplaced Devotion. The Customs and religious Notions of this Nation, which were more free and rational than in the Country of this Princess, had been a Constraint upon her Inclination, without lessening her mistaken Austerity. It was on this Side, that _Jeflur_ spread his Snares. He placed near the Queen a _Dervise_, one of those sly finished Villains, who, being Masters of the execrable Art of giving Sin an Appearance of Sanctity, instruct the great ones, whose Favour they purchase at the most infamous Rate, how to Sin without Guilt. This Traytor perform'd his Commission according to _Jeflur_'s Desire. He was continually fomenting in the Heart of his over pious Sovereign, the Excesses and fanatical Rants of his Order. He dwelt on the inconceiveable Sweetness of an Intimacy with _Suesi_, who was ever ready to communicate himself to such Souls as detach'd themselves from sensual Pleasures. He magnified the great Merit of Fastings, Prayers, and Austerities; and when he had rooted these Things in the Heart of his credulous Proselyte, he proceeded to declare to her, that Chastity was a Virtue absolutely necessary to merit the divine Favours; strongly insisting, that this Chastity must be so refined and abstracted, as not to be awed, or seduced by human Engagements. The unhappy Queen, misled by the pathetic Discourse, and the feigned Piety of the _Dervise_, greedily swallowed the Poison he was administring. She passed whole Days and Nights in Prayer, and the Austerities of a false Devotion, according to the Instructions of her infamous Director. Nor was it long, before she attain'd the Height of that superstitious Chastity which he required of her, and, imagining there was no stopping in a Course which was to end so gloriously, she formed a Resolution, in order to devote herself with the greater Fervour and Purity to the |