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Food Remedies - Facts About Foods And Their Medicinal Uses by Florence Daniel
page 3 of 80 (03%)


There is a sentence in the Talmud to the effect that the Kingdom of God
is nigh when the teacher gives the name of the author of the information
that he is passing on. With every desire to fulfil the rabbinical
precept and acknowledge the sources of this booklet, I find myself in a
quandary. If I make my acknowledgments duly I must begin with my
grandmother and Culpeper's Herbal. Following upon those come the results
of my own and friends' practical experience. After this I should,
perhaps, give a list of the periodicals from whose pages I have culled
much helpful information. But as space and memory preclude individual
mention I must content myself with this general acknowledgment. Lastly,
I desire to record my thanks to Dr. Fernie, whose _Meals Medicinal_, a
large and exhaustive collection of facts about food, has afforded not
the least valuable assistance.
F. D.


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