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Star Surgeon by Alan E. Nourse
page 24 of 196 (12%)
most powerful single race of creatures in the whole Galactic

The old man walked to the bookshelves behind him and brought down a
thick, bound manuscript. He handed it across the desk as Dal watched
him. "You may read this if you like, at your leisure. Don't worry, it's
not for publication, just a private study which I have never mentioned
before to anyone, but the pattern is unmistakable. This peculiar talent
of your people is difficult to describe: not really telepathy, but an
ability to create the emotional responses in others that will be most
favorable to you. Just what part your Fuzzies play in this ability of
your people I am not sure, but I'm quite certain that without them you
would not have it."

He smiled at Dal's stricken face. "A forbidden topic, eh? And yet
perfectly true. You know right now that if you wanted to you could
virtually paralyze me with fright, render me helpless to do anything but
stand here and shiver, couldn't you? Or if I were hostile to your
wishes, you could suddenly force me to sympathize with you and like you
enormously, until I was ready to agree to anything you wanted--"

"No," Dal broke in. "Please, you don't understand! I've never done it,
not once since I came to Hospital Earth."

"I know that. I've been watching you."

"And I wouldn't think of doing it."

"Not even at the council interview?"

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