Sex in Education - or, A Fair Chance for Girls by Edward Hammond Clarke
page 36 of 105 (34%)
page 36 of 105 (34%)
condition which they present in infancy and early childhood, with
scarcely a trace of graafian vesicles in their tissue. This want of development of the ovaries is generally, though not invariably, associated with want of development of the uterus and other sexual organs; and I need not say that women in whom it exists are sterile."--_Lectures on the Diseases of Women, by Charles West, M.D. Am. ed., p. 37._ [7] Enigmas of Life, pp. 165-8. [8] Tuckerman's Genera Lichenum, Introduction, p. v. [9] Carpenter's Human Physiology, p. 455. [10] Nicholson, Study of Biology, p. 79. [11] Popular Science Monthly, August, 1872, p. 411. [12] Sleep and its Derangements, pp. 9, 10, 13. PART III. CHIEFLY CLINICAL. "Et l'on nous persuadera difficilement que lorsque les hommes ont tant de peine à être hommes, les femmes puissent, tout en restant femmes, devenir hommes aussi, mettant ainsi la main |