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Elsie Inglis - The Woman with the Torch by Eva Shaw McLaren
page 14 of 118 (11%)
Scottish Women's Hospitals.

"Those who work in the hospitals she founded and for the Units she
commanded, and all who witnessed her labours, feel inspired by her
dauntless example. The character of the Happy Warrior was in some
measure her character. We reverence her calm fearlessness and forceful
energies, her genius for overcoming obstacles, her common sense, her
largeness of mind and purpose, and we rejoice in the splendour of her


"It is not of her great qualities that I think now, but rather that she
was such a darling."[5]


"By her knowledge she cured the physical wounds of the Serb soldiers. By
her shining face she cured their souls. Silent, busy, smiling--that was
her method. She strengthened the faith of her patients in _knowledge_
and in _Christianity_. Scotland hardly could send to Serbia a better
Christian missionary."[6]

As the days pass, bringing the figure of Elsie Inglis into perspective,
these true and beautiful pictures of her fall quietly into the
background, and one idea begins slowly to emerge and to expand, and to
become the most real fact about her. As we follow her outward life and
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